
Python: World's Best Charging Cable

Created by Ana Yarina

Stop wasting your money on weak flimsy and gimmicky uncertified cables that don’t last. Meet the Python Charging Cable, the world’s first dual charging cable with Tough Kevlar® Reinforced Braided PVC Skin for superior strength and a lifetime warranty. We have put together a host of amazing perks with a flat shipping fees of only US$8 for any reward anywhere in the world. So please make a pledge with just a few clicks then share with all of your friends and join our mission to create the strongest, fastest, most durable, most reliable and lasting Charging Cable Ever.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit Survey
over 7 years ago – Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 10:41:00 PM

Hi Everyone,

Most of you have completed the surveys at BackerKit. Thank You. For those that have yet to do so, please take a few minutes and complete the survey as that would allow us to progress things along. If you did not receive the link to the survey then simply go to put your Kickstarter email and that should get you there. If you need any help, then drop me a line: [email protected]

For those that missed our campaign and wish to order Python cables, you can do this by visiting You can also order Wizician there.

Alessandro Salvatore A Designer from Melbourne that has done interiors, furniture, household objects and jewellery. Winner of BBC Great Interior Design Challenge series 2 has now designed a watch. It is made by hand. It is Swiss. It is complicated because it can tell the time in all 24 time zones at the same time. It is beautiful and comes in 4 colours, sporty Black to dressy Rose Gold. My Husband is getting the Silver. These kind of watches go for thousands and are made by the big Swiss houses. If this is of interest to you and you want to know more then sign-up right away on Alessandro's website: as the announcement about his Kickstarter Campaign is going out soon.



A quick hello and an invitation
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 05:21:07 AM

Hi Everyone,

It has been raining here in Sydney for the last several days. We are in a small 3 story office building and we are on the middle floor above a dentist office and below our friends the music technology guys and our building looks like it is in the middle of a lake. Here is an image from the office looking down on the street.

Today we met a friend of these music guys that have a campaign on Indiegogo for a wire free, wireless earbuds (as in, no wires at all connecting the earpieces like traditional Bluetooth headphones) and we had the pleasure of sampling these amazing little earbuds. They are truly amazing, they sound great and they look great and I promised to share this with you all my amazing backers and ask you to check out their campaign and if you can, please support their earbuds as they are truly amazing and these guys are just brilliant: and the good news is that their campaign just started so there are some early bird specials and these beauties are heavily discounted.

You might get this message from me again if you backed my other projects and I am sorry about that but please don't hate me, I am just trying to help these blokes and their awesome buds!

All the best,


36 Hours to go...
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 07:41:32 PM

Hi Everyone,

We're still blown away by the support we received from you! We wouldn’t have any of this success without your incredible support. Thank you!

We are now entering a very important phase of our project – our Kickstarter campaign closes in just 36 hours and we can’t believe we’re finally there.

Our campaign really gained momentum in the last week! Please don't stop now and keep spreading the word about Python to all your friends, and bring it into the hands of everyone that uses a charging cable.

This is also a great time to upgrade your perks with so many attractive offers. Also, with so many lengths and options, Python makes a great lasting gift for that special someone.

 Thank you all again, you are simply AWESOME!



We are in the home stretch...
almost 8 years ago – Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 06:12:10 AM

Hello Team Python, We did it!

We are so thrilled and couldn’t be more thankful for all of your support! 

THANK YOU to all the Backers, to everyone who shared our project through social media, to those who talked about it, and those who shared their excitement with us! 

35% of all support is coming from social media. Please help us keep this campaign growing by sharing with your friends on FacebookTwitter, Google+,  LinkedIn, Pinterest!

Now, we look forward to running a successful post campaign! We have been busy finalising manufacturing plans and will have some exciting production news to share soon!

Thanks for joining our journey as part of the team and please share with friends and spread the word about this awesome charging cable.

Thanks once again,


5 days and 5% to go...
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 09:48:08 PM

Hi Everyone and again many thanks for the support. You really are all amazing and I owe you big! But...we still have some work to do.

For those that did not take advantage of the Valentine's Day offer, please read the previous update. You can add as many cables as you want.

Now I need your help sharing. If you share and your sharing secures a backer then I will send you the amazing cable leather strap that many of you loved in the first campaign. Get 2 backers and I will include another leather strap for headphones. Get 3 and I will give you a free cable. Get more and who knows what I'll do. You're my team and together we can make this happen. Thanks.

Before I let you go, please take a look at The World's Most Cushioned Sneakers.

Maratown is on a mission to revolutionise comfort by creating super-cushioned shoes, inspired by maximalist running shoe technology.

Check out their campaign here:

